It's a mindset


Travel mindset

In a time when we can’t travel, let’s travel every day instead.

Why do we deprive ourselves of the unknown because we’re home? We form innocuous habits that make our moments mundane and distant. We don’t challenge ourselves to live in the present by doing new things. We set routines that limit us to autopilot. Rather than disrupting our lives with novel experiences.

Each day shouldn’t be inextricable from the next. Moments aren’t mean to merge. They’re meant to be magical, and meaningful, and memorable.

I met someone recently who reminded me that I want to live life as if I’m travelling. Every day.

My life is within my control, and I want to be present to experience it. I want every day to contain moments that are wildly new. I want my life to pass with purpose. And so, I practice a travel mindset. Even when I’m home.

For me, that means:

  • Going for walks, dinner and drinks with your friends and believing it’s romantic, because it is.

  • Taking yourself to the movies alone because, besides reading, it’s the closest thing to immersing in new worlds and you like choc tops.

  • Saying yes to the vape and no to the coke because you’re willing to try new things but not everything.

  • Parking in a random spot in the work multistorey. Walking a different route to the office. Trying a new milk with your coffee. Adding banana to your oats instead of blueberries. Heck, buying a new washing powder if you’re really feeling wild.

  • Striving for a full life, rather than a busy one by having a night to yourself and knowing that your day is still full, even if you’re alone.

  • Working bloody hard at your job because you’re flipping lucky to have it and you’d never want to take the opportunity for granted.

  • Relentlessly seeking new cafes, menu items, podcasts and music, because familiar is fine but you’re convinced there’s always more to explore.

  • Not letting past loss close your heart to love because young you was brave enough to fall fast and free and that is a beautiful thing.

  • Working everyday to become the person of your dreams so you’re always guaranteed to be in love.

  • Resisting the sales because when you do (finally) go, you’ll probably only take carry on and that discounted item is bound to be left behind.

Do the things you’d do if your life was an adventure. Because it can be. You just have to take charge of the moments.

Thanks for the reminder, Goose.