

Lucy Blair

Hi! I’m Lucy, but you can call me Luce (get it!?).

I’m an English-born Aussie girl who grew up in the beef capital of Australia - Rockhampton. Because I’m still figuring out who I am - see Tinder identity crisis - let’s start with the cold hard ‘fun’ facts (fun being subjective):

1. I’m 23 years old (wow, so fun!!)

2. I’ve been to 21 countries, including living overseas for six months during an exchange semester at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland

3. I spent the last year and a half of my degree working full time - saving those $$$

4. I recently finish said degree (Bachelor of Business Management/Communications from the University of Queensland) and am slowly adjusting to the luxury of time

5. At the end of the year I’m going to move to Canada for a whole new adventure (well, so I thought… thanks to Rona we can stay tuned to see what happens there)

Now, I think that’s probably enough ‘fun’ to be getting on with.

Just one more thing…

After years of writing assignments, I’m taking the liberty to write something for myself. Not a task description or criteria sheet insight. And, I’m stoked about it.

I’m also stoked to have you here. Thank you!

I hope you enjoy the ramblings of Luce Let Loose.
If you do: let me know!
If you don’t: [content still loading…]

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